Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shortcomings in Oversight of Stimulus Spending?

Ya think it might be difficult, no impossible, for the government to figure out who's doing what with the stimulus (porkulus) package dollars? How 'bout controlling the money once it leaves the government printing press and lands in the coffers of various agencies and local governments? Hmmm... Is there any sane, straight-thinking person in the world who actually thinks that the government is capable of good oversight when it comes to spending our tax dollars?

Social Security. Welfare. The IRS. TARP. Anyone want to raise your hand and say the government is doing a good job in any of those areas?

Huge bureaucracy begets lack of communication, fraud, nepotism, favoritism, sloppiness, waste and the list goes on.

Now the prez wants to add more layers of bureaucracy and wants to increase government. He's also printing money like it came on rolls of toilet tissue. And, he's consolidating power in Washington DC so fast it should scare the pants off every American citizen who cares about our country.

Putting Joe-what number is the website for oversight please-Biden in charge would be considered comedy if this weren't such a serious matter.

Mr. Obama is playing games with our heads. He is saying one thing and then doing another. He's telling his media minions what they want to hear and keeping the general masses appeased with rhetoric.

Do you really think he's serious about oversight? Do you really think the government is capable of oversight? Do you really think he intended there to be good oversight?

Max Stier does a great job of pointing out many of the shortcomings in the purported oversight of porkulus in the following article in the Washington Post:

Serious Shortcomings in Obama's Oversight of Stimulus Spending
The $787 billion economic stimulus package has raised serious questions about the ability of our federal government to fulfill its basic duties, and will require more than just the close scrutiny promised by the Obama administration.

Hardly a day goes by without a headline disclosing the failure of a federal agency to carry out its mission because it is short-staffed, under-resourced and ill-equipped, or poorly managed. These are conditions that will inevitably worsen as the government is asked to dispense billions of dollars in stimulus money as quickly as possible.

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