Monday, January 26, 2009

Call Your Senator, Urge Them to Vote Against Geithner

American Solutions: Late this afternoon the United States Senate will vote on Tim Geithner's nomination for Treasury Secretary.

Last week, we asked you what you thought of his nomination in light of his tax mistakes. With more than 83,000 people responding, an overwhelming 98% of you voted to oppose Geithner.

Please call your Senators right now at 202-224-3121 and urge them to vote against Tim Geithner.

Tell them it would be wrong for someone who failed to pay $34,023 in taxes to become Treasury Secretary in charge of getting taxes from the rest of us. This is not about party, it is about principle. If Geithner is approved, he will be a symbol of favoritism and rich politicians getting a different deal than the rest of us.

Our economic future is at stake, so please call your Senators now and then click here to report back to us on your call.

Dave Ryan
PresidentAmerican Solutions

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