Monday, July 13, 2009

FRC Says Planned Parenthood, Desperate to Hide Agenda, Attacks Hatch and Hides Intent

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins responded today to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America's patently false attack on Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Hatch last week drew attention to Sen. Barbara Mikulski's (D-MD) attempt to mandate inclusion of the nation's largest network of abortion in a national health care scheme. Perkins said:

"Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading practitioner of abortion on demand at its hundreds of facilities across the country, has issued a completely false attack on Sen. Orrin Hatch. At the legislative mark-up on Friday in the Senate health committee, Sen. Hatch queried Sen. Barbara Mikulski on a cleverly worded amendment she added to the bill to ensure that Planned Parenthood's clinics, 295 of which perform abortions and all of which actively promote and refer for them,(See are included in the bill's definition of community health services.

"The term 'abortion' is almost never used by advocates for abortion inside and outside of Congress. They virtually always couch their support for abortion in such euphemisms such as 'family planning,' 'comprehensive health services,' and 'reproductive health' to lull the public into thinking that abortion is not part of the equation

"Because the bill as written has no exclusion for abortion in its language, there is no doubt that Sen. Milkulski's amendment opens the floodgates to massive public underwriting of abortion, a position Planned Parenthood has always favored. Sen. Hatch is to be commended for his clarity in pointing this fact out to the American people, who oppose public subsidies for abortion by a margin of at least two to one (see hearing transcript attached).

"Now caught in the first of what is likely to be many maneuvers to achieve their goal, Planned Parenthood is launching a spurious and erroneous assault on Sen. Hatch. In fact, it is the insistence of Planned Parenthood and other groups that abortion be included, by hook or by crook, in a national health reform that jeopardizes what Americans really want and need, which is a health care system that encourages responsibility and family ownership of health care through market and tax policy reforms that provide portability, protect conscience, promote affordability, and avoid government of the health care system itself.

"Sen. Milkulski's own radical record is clear. (See She opposed limits on partial-birth abortion, voted against the 'unborn child rule' to protect poor women pregnant for the first time in S-CHIP, opposed 'Laci and Connor's Law' to allow federal penalties in certain cases when a lethal assault upon a woman results in the death of her child in utero, voted for the cloning of human beings, and voted against the right of parents to know if their minor child is being taken across state lines for an abortion to evade local law.

"Family Research Council is calling on all Americans who support current law to thank Sen. Hatch for protecting the right of Americans not to be compelled to fund abortion. We call on the Congress to explicitly and permanently abortion from any health care reform plan considered this ear."
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Friday, July 03, 2009

FRC: Fight for Freedom and Conscience Protection this July 4th

Are you going to a Tea Party on Independence Day? If so, here's a handout that you can share with friends about our campaign to save the U.S. health care system from the Obama Administration's attacks on Life and Conscience.

Encourage others to join our campaign to save and improve the U.S. health care system by visiting

Click here to download the flyer

Yours in faith, family, and freedom,
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council